Saturday, March 21, 2009

What's up with the records?

It started with collars. I was thinking of a way to merchandise the studded/spiked collars and I remembered the classic Lou Reed live album "Rock And Roll Animal". The cover depicts Lou donning spiked cuffs and and a matching dog collar worn around the neck. The image and album title were perfect. On the wall it went. But it wasn't alone. Who can think of Reed in the 70's and not think of his pal David and their infamous escapades? "Diamond Dogs" was a must for the wall.  Now if I can just find a single of "I Wanna Be Your Dog" the trio will be complete.

The collection grew. Any LP with reference to dogs, cats, or just, as in the Reed album, animal qualifies. Believe me there are many. In addition to searching the bins at local record stores, I have been fortunate to have customers bring in items from their own collections. This has expanded the collection to include a copy of the Animals debut on reel to reel, vintage sheet music, 45's, and even a die cast toy car that celebrates the Beach Boys "Pet Sounds". "Pet Sounds" incidentally was a groove away from being the name of the store 8 years ago.

So what started as a simple idea to display some product has grown to personify the store itself. Does it make sense? I'm not really sure, I just know that I'm as passionate about music as I am about helping people care for their pets.

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